Second Edition of Dope or Nope! Lets go
So when I first saw this shirt I was Uber excited. I put that tank in the cart so fast it was crazy. I've been natural for about 7 months now?*ponders* Well honestly I don't know for how long but its been such an amazing experience. I love my natural curls, I love taking care of them, I love feeling them and I cant wait until I have big Diana Ross hair! I was not only excited to see a tank that proclaimed what I was feeling but I was equally excited to see that Forever 21 was carrying a shirt that applauded natural hair. Then I took a closer look......WHY IS THE GIRL SO LIGHT? Her skin tone is so opposite of the brown beauty singing I love my hair on Sesame Street. Don't get me wrong, I love all my sistas from the high yella to the deep coffee brown, but why did they lighten her skin? Why is a white chick wearing the shirt? What, they ran out of black models? Though its a step in getting this message into mainstream I don't like what they did. I feel like if your gonna embrace something, do it ALL the way. Its not about the girl being light skin, its just the fact that they intentionally took her a few shades lighter. I don't like that they felt this message was only acceptable if the girl was lighter. The guy who actually wrote the I love my hair song is white. He did it for his African American daughter. If he didn't see fit to make the puppet the color of paper, why alter the image? So before I thought it was dope, now...NOPE!
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