Ladies, it happens to us all the time. Your walking down the street and your eyes just happen to spot a really nice dressed guy. You don't know that guy from adam, but your so mesmerized by his outfit that you just cant stop staring. You have to suppress the urge to walk up to him and compliment him on his outfit. Well, it happens to me quite a bit, but in High School Cheakaity Brown was that guy. I would always spot him in the hallways dressed in a very nice fitted suit and bow tie and think who is that guy? When all the guys were pressed to rock True Religion jeans and fly kicks, Che stood out by going the complete opposite, choosing to dress classic instead of trendy. So there is no question why he is the first guy to be featured on my brand spanking New Style Feature section on my blog! Not only will I be letting you guys see more of my personal style, but I also want to showcase others. So now I leave to become Infatuated by the artist formerly known as Prince Weirdo....
Age? I am 21 years young..people say I look younger often times lol no one is ever gonna guess my real age the first time.
So Cheakaity, in your opinion what is style? Ha! This question lol...Style is whatever you want it to be! we are all little artists and creators in some way. I think style is an instinctive trait. Your instincts telling you to wear things a certain way working along side your personality and various character traits.
Who are some of your fashion icons? Good question. I like a number of different looks I draw inspiration from Johhny Depp sometimes because He's a weird mysterious type of guy (I'm that way In my mind lol)..I like some of the things Kanye West does at times. Joshua Kisi of street ettique has some cool looks.. I wouldn't say I have any actual icons tho.
Three fashion trends that you wish would go away? Good one!.. sneakers..sneakers and sneakers lol
I love the fact that I can’t put your style in one box, you put a lot of pieces uniquely together. What’s your inspiration? I'm just an artistic minded person ..I can draw inspiration from just about anything..the real magic comes when you can make it work.. I suppose I'm doing a swell job of that lol Am I?
Where are your favorite places to shop? Any thrift store...nothing exclusive...I recently Found this nice Vintage shop on U street called Dr. K's..great stuff in there.
I know that you are an avid thriftier. I applaud you on pulling it off as a really cool look. Everyone doesn’t have the “thrift eye” as I call it. A lot of people are intimidated to go thrifting. What tips would you give a first timer? "Patience Iago" lol yea just don't rush the perfect piece won't jump out at you each and every time. Also if you have a specific look in mind know what you are looking for. If you just want to adventure that's cool too.
Your dream girl would be wearing?(For some reason I think she would look like Janelle Monae =]) Hahaha I don't dream of girls lol jk I don't know she could be in sweats and a t-shirt. I will say I love a woman with her own unique style. I tend to have a weakness for ladies with long beautiful dreads or big natural hair I dont know why. All in all key word is unique.
Confession time! In high school, I had such a style crush on you. All I can remember is you in suits and bowties. I would always tell my friend, I don’t know who that guy is, but I love his style! (Hopefully I don’t sound like a stalker lol) What made you want to stray away from the Nike boots and True religions that all the other boys where wearing? Ha Ha aww gee thanks... I really wanted to dress like those guys at first lol to fit in and stuff. My Dad actually started me on that in middle school. He lectured me about giving off good impressions and protecting my image. He said that I am different from those other guys out there in the streets. He would send me of to school in dress clothes...eventually I just took that and ran with it and became the odd ball and people caught on and liked it I suppose .
How would you say your style has changed over the years? The more I learn and see things/visit different cities and meet new people, I always pick up something. Over the years I would just experiment with different color schemes,textures..pieces. Each year I take a new risk. Over the years I have picked various eras and cultures to focus on .
So not only do you have a unique flair but you also have not one, but two awesome bands. I’ve heard some of Mantra Nova’s stuff on YouTube and I have to say sir, I like. What are the differences between the two bands? Ah yes. Mantra Nova and ACME...thank you by the way... Mantra nova is sorta Like Brit-rock with African/Brazilian sounding drums.. We draw influence from Sigur Ros,Genesis,Coldplay,Queen,and U2 in no particular order. ACME is a duo Of Myself and Joshua Davis. We are producers and songwriters(we also score films ect.) We kinda stumbled our way into being a "band" . Our music is all over the place stylistically, we have no real genre. We fuse a lot of styles and play alot of different genres . ACME stands for A Company That Makes Everything. However our favorite description would be 'Rockish Jazz With Soul" .
What is your position in the band? I sing lead in both bands. In Mantra Nova I play piano and in ACME I help with the producing of songs ,play guitar,drums,bass,piano,ect. I also song write and compose for both bands.
Thank you for letting me ask you a gazillion questions! No thank you
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